zondag 24 maart 2013

Finnish for dummies (like me)

With this short list of Finnish words, you should be able to talk about Life, the Universe & Everything. ;-)
  • northern light: revontulet
    Revontulet comes from revon (“fox's”) and tulet (“fires”). There is a Finnish folk story, that a fox in the north is running on the snow, and it is sweeping its tail so that sparks fly off into the sky. In addition the Finnish have about 20 different folk stories about the origin of the northern lights. One claims that there is so much fish in the Arctic Sea that the sun light is reflected back into the air from the backs of the fishes. 
Source: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/329/c/1/revontulet_by_housunnappi-d4kxbvr.png
  • space weather: avaruussää 
  • Sun: aurinki
  • CME (coronal mass ejection): ?
  • life: elämä
  • universe: maailmankaikkeu
The answer to the meaning of life, the universe and everything sounds like Vastaus elämään, maailmankaikkeuteen ja kaikkeen muuhun sellaiseen in Finnish. But you could also say 42...
(If you have no idea about what I am talking: read the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy of Douglas Adams!)

By the way, mustikka means blueberry, not to be mistaken in French for "moustique", pronounced nearly the same, meaning 'mosquito'... (Thanks to Cyril to point it out!)

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